Next Asistir a un BodySex

2025 feb 15-2025 feb 16 | MadridKnow more

BodySex WorkshopTM

Almudena M. Ferrer

Almudena M. Ferrer

I am a sexologist, and I am a member of WAS (World Association for Sexual Health) and AES (Association of Sexology Specialists).

I accompany all kinds of people to live with confidence and joy within their bodies.

I participate in different media and since 2010 I collaborate with Cadena Ser doing a weekly programme on sexuality.

Bread & Sex is the brand I created in 2013 to gather different research on sexuality and innovation around the world and since then I use it as a platform to share knowledge.

I want to understand what sexuality will look like in the 21st century.


Since 2013 I have been going to the US to visit and interview all the relevant people, from the sexual revolution until today, who had something to say about sexuality.

On the second trip I met and interviewed Betty Dodson. A woman who I felt had educated me in a way and to whom I owed a lot intellectually.

After getting to know each other and doing several workshops and a lot of work together, I accepted the challenge to bring her famous BodySex workshop to Europe.